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Membership of the Association shall be confined to Electricity Re-sellers approved by the Association.  Application of Membership shall be in writing to the Association and shall be submitted to the Committee for approval. 


  • ERASA members are better aligned with strategic industry bodies such as the Property Owners Association, Managing Agents Association, National Energy Regulator, Utility Associations, and Standards bodies.
  • ERASA members benefit from collaborative marketing efforts at industry conferences and exhibitions, as well as from membership listings on the associations website.
  • Our membership Code of Conduct protects the integrity of our industry by regulating conduct between members, and between members, their customers and consumers.
  • The ERASA Membership Certificate can be used as supporting evidence of industry participation and standing, when bidding for new contracts.
  • Members get access to industry reference documents, resources and information on our website or by using the extensive people network of our association to best advantage.